Internet marketing is not just advertising in search engines or social media. It involves so much more than that. You need to make sure that your website is an efficient sales tool and that your company’s name is a well-known and popular brand.
Wise SEO (Search Engine Optimization) allows you to keep your website at the top of search results. This increases the website traffic and attracts users who are interested in your specific products and services.
Advertisements are shown only to those users who are interested in them, so they do not annoy people, but rather give them useful information. Advertisers set ad bids themselves balancing the amount to spend and the results they’re looking to achieve. Yandex and Google offer maximum coverage of Russian internet users.
Bright banners on websites attract users’ attention. What’s more, display networks allow you to select the websites where you want your ad to be shown, as well as the gender, age, and interests of the users to whom they will be shown.
Video hosting services (YouTube, Rutube, Vimeo, etc) are extremely popular. Placing an impressive video ad on these websites will raise awareness of your product amongst users and therefore increase their willingness to purchase it.
A lot of people do not trust advertisements and make decisions based on their friends’ advice. They often get such advice from social networks. So, when they see your ad about a sale, special offer, or a new product on their news feed, they will be more encouraged to buy your products.
MMTR specialists have Yandex and Google search engine marketing certificates and they often attend educational conferences on online marketing and new web advertising and analytical tools.